Thursday, December 5, 2013

Celebrating St. Nicholas Day

   As I mentioned in my last blog post concerning Advent, the celebration of St. Nicholas Day on December 6 was always a big part of my childhood.  Indeed, my family still celebrates it, even though we're all grown.  Growing up in heavily Catholic northeastern Wisconsin with its north European immigrant roots, St. Nicholas' feast day was almost universally observed.  When we moved to another state, I was shocked to discover that there were people who didn't celebrate the day.  I still delight each year in telling children that people who tell them Santa Claus doesn't exist don't know what they're talking about.  One year I even whipped out the Roman missal at the Christmas vigil Mass to show the kids the propers for St. Nicholas' feast day.

   For anyone who doesn't know the whole story of St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, I highly recommend Bill Bennett's book, The True St. Nicholas, and Why He Matters to Christmas.  It's tremendously helpful not only in understanding why the veneration of this saint is something to cultivate, but it also aids in navigating the thorny issue of Santa Claus' proper relationship to the celebration of Christ's birth.  The secular cult of the Claus needs some competition from the true St. Nicholas, a holy bishop renowned for his charity, concern for the welfare of children, and also for sticking up for Christian orthodoxy at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.  (OK, so it's true that he struck the heretic Arius, but I'm not going to judge him too harshly.  Arius had it coming.)

   A Happy St. Nicholas Day to everyone!  Fill a stocking or shoe with candy, fruit and nuts, be kind to children, and pray your Nicene Creed.  But it might be best not to punch any heretics.

1 comment:

  1. Growing up in New Jersey, as a Protestant, but in a heavily Irish and Italian area, I had never heard of the tradition of celebrating the Feast of St. Nicholas. So thankful to my husband for enlightening me that very first Dec. 6 after we were married. This year, I forgot to get the clementines but I have everything else ready. I even decided we are going to do our traditional stocking stuffers tomorrow instead of Christmas morning. The thing I am most excited about? We are going to have a snow day tomorrow!
